Monday, December 28, 2020

Happy Face Clip Art

Making your happy face clip art 3D can be a tun of fun for the whole family. First you will need a program, preferably Adobe Photoshop CS because it allows layers to be used to customize your images. Some users have good experience using MS Paint Shop Pro, but I myself like to stick to using Photoshop.

First you will need a good happy face clip art image to get started so go to the place provided to find one. We also have a large list of happy face clip art for your needs. We update regularly with the best images from all over the web. If you want to share some of your own creations get in contact with us.

Our first video tutorial is about creating clip art in Photoshop. You can play the video by clicking the play button on the middle of the video located below.

Tomorrows news will be about the success or failure of your image or images in the art world, and why. Some educated artiest contend that art should be simplified and not in 3D, but this is simply not true, nor has it ever been.

Follow your own ideas, be creative and you will love the images your mind produces and the world will be a better place because of it.